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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Electronic information. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Electronic information. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2015

An important tool to reduce consumption of Ram browsers on your computer and speed it up more

A leading cause of slow Pc are browsers, as everyone knows consume a very large amount of RAM, especially Google Chrome browser, which is used by many people, from here should look for ways to overcome this problem, using some of the tools Perhaps one of the best Web tool Browser Optimizer, where she works with a very large number of armored vehicles, and you will see it after use browsers to reduce the consumption of RAM, and this will reflect positively on your computer and you will see it quickly became in browsing.

This tool can be downloaded following Abralrabott:
After downloaded and installed then just open it and then you will find many icons of armored vehicles, and set a tick in a box any browser and also put the ON you will see that it will consume less RAM half of what was consumed by the use of the tool:

To make sure of their effectiveness, watershed you will see that your computer will be faster than what it was, and then try to control the consumption of RAM in the windows task manager on any browser before and after using the tool, surely you will see too much difference.

Mark Facebook to respond to your messages when you are not present in any text you want

Help us in several locations to take advantage of some of the services that are usually incomplete and does not exist in the social network Facebook, as the site that makes your reply to messages in any text you write when you're not on Facebook does not exist, and some of these services which may sometimes we need
Site link after entering the Get started by clicking on and then choose Facebook or Twitter by clicking on the Oiconthma, will be Altsgiyl your account, and so on down the site you'll find a place to write the message you want, specifying the period in which this message will work for days or for weeks:
Finally press to activate, and so at any time any of your friend sent you a message, you will reach directly back to the text of the letter that you wrote.

Facebook is good news for lovers .. This is the new update site Blue

Enable users of social networking "Facebook" site to change its image profile on the site after the latter launched a new feature that will allow adjusts the image that will appear to friends for a period specified by the user himself called Temporary Profile Picture name, according to his transfer theverge for site TechCrunch in tweets published in Twitter.
The site "Facebook" that the reason behind this new update is observed that users are changing the image of solidarity with a particular campaign or to celebrate some personal events Koaaad birth, for this it is necessary to this update status as a process for self-expression in a given moment, and without having to Concern about changing the image at a later time, when you adjust the temporary personal image the user selects the length of time for the end of the presentation, where they can choose between hours or days.